Saturday, January 14, 2012


Because of Sally...
• My Joy Quotient has been on a steady increase for the past 12 years.
• I enjoy some of the most delicious meals on the planet (and it shows!)
• We enjoy a wonderful, warm, loving blended family all year long and great lakehouse experiences every now and then to boot.
• We have three of the cutest most entertaining grandkids ever born!
• We drive to Minnesota instead of flying.
• We have a rich, inviting home, not just a house.
• We have many friends and enjoy great times and meals with them in our home.
• We live in Chicago, the greatest city in the world.
• My taste in music has expanded.
• I know how to grill some things, make a salad, guacamole, baked potatoes, bacon & eggs, hamburger patties (ahead of time to keep frozen until needed)... and other culinary type things and was able to feed myself on my extended theatre gig instead of just eating out all the time.
• My taste buds have expanded to include an enjoyment of the spicy side of life.
• The condo always looks great, especially at Christmas.
• The world is a richer, warmer place for all who know and love her.


Because of Sally…
I have the best childhood memories of fun and family time including eating hot dogs for a summer to get a pool, power walking at malls, and watching you slow down for a moment to play Mario Bros while listening to the Whitney Houston cassette.
I have a very high hotness standard to live up to.
I have siblings that I love and appreciate every day and a large family I love spending time with. I am so lucky.
I appreciate other people’s privacy and have no interest in snooping (you never read our notes you found in the laundry!)
I am learning to take the time to be organized and find a place for everything. (A very important and difficult skill!)
I had a dad who I love and miss.
I have a best friend who loves tea, knitting, vegetarian food, wine and laughing as much as I do.
I love you Mom!


Because of Sally (my mom)...
1. I am sometimes able to set aside what I think should be done in order to do what really matters. My mom always takes time for relationships, quality time and playing.
2. I know the true meaning of selflessness. She always serves others before herself.
3. I am guaranteed to live a long life. I have healthy genes!
4. I have a great mom as an example of the kind of mom I want to be. She was always kind, generous, patient, loving and nurturing.
5. I am learning how to be hospitable. She is always welcoming people into her home to eat delicious food.
6. I feel pretty. Everyone says I look just like my mom. And she's gorgeous!
7. I have a Staton booty. But I really don't mind. Baby got back!!
8. I know what it is to be a great friend. My mom is a great listener, gives great advice and doesn't say a bad word about anyone.
9. I understand the Gospel more. Sally is forgiving, self-sacrificing, slow-to-anger, generous and loving.


Because of Sally boys won't drink white milk. They ask for it to be green.
...we get perfectly made coffee when she visits
...I understand grace better - she's so loving, patient, and serving all the time.
...we have a puzzle to do every Christmas - even if we don't get to finish
...our family works - with in-laws, step siblings, etc. Sally is a great matriarch of this group. No one ever feels left out or unloved!


Because of Sally...
Giardinara is pronounced guardinaarra and Angelina Jolie is said with an accent.
I have always felt welcome and a part of the family.
I have an amazing and hilarious Becky.


Because of Sally...I know what real, incredible bona-fied home cooking is. I get to see my Dad happy, and I get to see my Dad make Sally happy. I see a true example of the redemptive, awesome power of the Lord. Because of Sally, my life is better than it would be because of No Sally


Because of sally i have one of the most amazing families ever. She is a great matriarch of our family, always quick with good advice, and always loving no matter what.